Document Web AI Notes Re Search

A.I Search Assistant

Trusted by Students & Professionals

The most capable AI Research App on all your devices

Access to the leading premium AI Models for one-price!

GPT-4.5 & Claude 3.7 now available

Search your stored documents for answers. Create reports, tables, study guides and more

Code formmating supported

Search the web & your data with the most powerful AI Models

Your Information is Yours

We don’t share, sell, or use your data for training or ads.


Use Chunk on your Mac!

Organize with Collections

Create Collections that streamline your workflow, giving you quick access to everything you need in one place.

Chunk automatically summarizes your Collections to help you quickly figure out what a Collection is about without having to read through each chat.

Additional Features


Add to the ‘Memory’ of Chunk by storing specific instructions or detailed information that you would like Chunk to remember about you or your preferred working style.

Search Files and Images in Chat

While Chunk is designed to efficiently store and retrieve relevant information from large volumes of documents, maybe you just want to find out something quickly about a document or image. You can simply attach the file while in chat.

Seamless Notes Sync

iCloud integration for cross-device notes access and editing on iPhone, iPad and Mac. Full featured Rich Text Formatting on all devices.

Research Tool

The research search tool is specifically tailored for students and researchers who want to utilize academic sources for deeper more complex questions. Chunk will conduct a more in-depth search, targeting academic sources (up to 10) alongside the broader internet to provide 3 different comprehensive reports. Research Reports, Resource Reports and Outline Reports.

Secure + Privacy

Chunk isn’t ad supported and we don’t want to know or store any data we don’t have to store. We take security and privacy very seriously. Your data is NEVER used for training and our databases are private and secure using TLS for encrypted connections.

Tags + Filters

Tagging and filtering documents or notes increases query speeds and the quality of responses not possible on other A.I. platforms. Tags allow Chunk to focus on the right information for the given query while dramatically reducing hallucinations.